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31 Dec 2013

Halo: Spartan Assault - Review (Xbox One)

Halo: Spartan Assault transfers adequately from mobile platforms to the Xbox One, with micro-transactions in tow.

PS4: Japan's Very First Commercial

Japanese gamers were forced to be patient, as they watched the rest of the world get PlayStation 4 first. But their time is quickly approaching.

Most Wanted in 2014 - The Waiting Game

With the year coming to an end, Johnny takes a look forward at the five games we're most looking forward to in 2014.

27 Dec 2013

PlayStation Plus Free Game Lineup January 2014

PlayStation®Plus membership includes free games with, Instant Game Collection™ and online multiplayer on PS4™ systems.* In January, PS Plus membership includes BioShock Infinite, DMC: Devil May Cry, Don't Starve, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and more! Visit to learn more!

PC - 2013 Year in Review

Whether you're a traditionalist or all about the avante-garde, the PC had what you needed--and then some.

Nintendo - 2013 Year in Review

From the games to the consoles and all of the controversy; we give you the rundown on both the disappointments and epic wins that Nintendo experienced over the last year.

24 Dec 2013

World of Tanks Update 8.10 Launch Trailer

14 new tanks and a Japanese tech tree roll into World of Tanks today. See the goods in this new launch trailer.

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX -- Compilation Trailer

A massive JRPG compilation with characters both familiar and new. Continue the sweeping story of light versus darkness, and guide Sora and his friends on an incredible adventure.

Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX is exclusive to PS3.

5 Tips for Cheap Holiday Gaming

New consoles and full price games can drain your funds alarmingly fast, so what's a prospective purchaser to do? Well, don't buy new consoles or full-price games, for starters, and take these five suggestions to have a happy gaming holiday.

23 Dec 2013

PS4 and Xbox One: Stop the Rivalry (Parody)

This Christmas, all IGN wants is fanboy peace. Allow two of our editors to explain through the time-honoured medium of parody song.

22 Dec 2013

20 Dec 2013

Andrea McLean tries Wii Fit U (Wii U)

Andrea McLean takes her fitness regime to the next level, as we challenge her to try out Wii Fit U on Wii U.

Titanfall - Stryder Titan Reveal Trailer

Take a look at this Titanfall trailer which reveals the latest Titan, Stryder.

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood - Xbox One Trailer

Check out this Xbox One trailer for Max: The Curse of Brotherhood.

19 Dec 2013

Upgrading a PS4 Hard Drive - Ask the Experts

Find out how easy it is to replace the stock hard drive in the PlayStation 4. Is it worth upgrading to a SSD? Jeff and Peter find out.

18 Dec 2013

Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)

Hyrule Warriors (name not final), a brand new The Legend of Zelda title for Wii U, developed in collaboration with Tecmo Koei, releasing in 2014.

Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition Trailer

Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition comes packed with cool stuff: split-screen support for up to four players, online multiplayer for up to eight, Creative mode, Survival mode, and a bundle of Trophies.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - An Introduction to Lightning Returns

A video from Square Enix explains the game's premise, gameplay elements, and characters.

IGN's Game of the Year Nominees Revealed! - GOTY Watch 2013

IGN just announced its 10 Game of the Year nominees. Time to start the final discussions!

Assassin's Creed 4: Freedom Cry Review

Black Flag's single-player DLC Freedom Cry tells a great, emotional story in the shell of classic AC gameplay.

Borderlands 2: How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day Walkthrough

Gearbox designer Josh Jeffcoat walks us through the beginning of How Marcus Saved Mercenary Day, the third Borderlands 2 Headhunter pack.

Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod Gameplay

Just Cause it's an older game, doesn't mean it's done yet! Check out the recently released Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod, now available on Steam.

15 Dec 2013

Ultra Street Fighter IV - Official Trailer

Take a look at this official trailer for Ultra Street Fighter IV.

The Evolution of Forza Motorsport

We take a Ferrari Testarossa for a hot lap around Laguna Seca across five games and three console generations.

Xbox 360 Winner - Game of the Year 2013

It's time for the 360! Check out GameSpot's pick for 2013's best Xbox 360 title.

New Releases: Just Cause 2 Multiplayer, Walking Dead Season 2, Vita gets Terraria, Bit Trip Runner

This week on new releases, the Vita goes wild with releases including BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien, Eufloria and Terraria. Just Cause 2 gets a multiplayer mod and the second episode of the Walking Dead finally comes out!

14 Dec 2013

2014's Most-anticipated Games

All the games you can't wait to play in the next 12 months.

IGN News : PS4 Had 'Largest Console Launch in History'

The NPD Group has revealed the top ten best-selling games in the United States for the month of November.

MRT Forza Motorsport 5 Ford Fiesta ST

Celebrating the Fiesta ST's inclusion in Forza Motorsport 5, MRT, a performance engineering and customization shop from Plymouth, MI designed a special real life version. The car made its debut at SEMA and will be appearing around the U.S. in support of the release of Forza Motorsport 5.

This in-game video created by Turn 10 showcases the visual and performance appeal of the MRT Forza Motorsport 5 Ford Fiesta ST.

Forza Motorsport 5: The Definitive Racing Experience Only Possible On Xbox One.

Halo: Spartan Assault - Xbox One Preview

Shaun McInnis locks, loads, and gets hands-on with the Xbox One version of Halo: Spartan Assault.

PS4 Winner - Game of the Year 2013

Find out which PS4 title dominates the next generation competition this year.

11 Dec 2013

Gran Turismo 6: Get 20 Million Credits For Free

We show you how to get 20,000,000 credits in Gran Turismo with a little bit of work. Purchase any vehicle you want today.

Wii U Winner - Game of the Year 2013

Find out which Wii U title reigns supreme in 2013.

Lightning Returns (Japanese Import) Commentary 2

Andrew and Marty continue their playthrough of the Japanese version of Lightning Returns, seeing Hope face-to-face in The Ark.

Lightning Returns: FFXIII - Collector's Edition Trailer

Check out what you can get in the collector's edition of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII in this trailer.

Mario Kart Level - Let's Play Super Mario 3D World

Tim, Jose, Greg, and Naomi sit down and play the mayhem that is Super Mario 3D World multiplayer.

GTA Online: How to Find the Snowy City in the Sky

How to find Ludendorff, North Yankton and the hidden city in the sky in GTA Online.

10 Dec 2013

Nintendo May be Claiming YouTube Copyright Again

A handful of Twitter users are claiming Nintendo is making copyright claims on YouTube videos once more, though it appears there's more to it.

Gran Turismo 6 Review

Joe Barron races toward the checkered flag in Gran Turismo 6 and finds a great simulation marred by a weak game.

Neverwinter - Hunter Ranger Powers Trailer

Check out the different types of abilities that the Hunter Ranger has at his disposal in this free-to-play MMO.

Pure Pool PS4 Announcement Trailer

Chalk your cues, because Hustle Kings' successor is coming to PlayStation 4.

PS VITA Winner - Game of the Year 2013

The first Game of the Year winner is here! Check out GameSpot's pick for 2013's best Playstation Vita title.

Zen Pinball 2 PS4 Trailer

Zen Pinball 2 is coming to PlayStation 4, and it's bringing some of its best tables along with it.

Company of Heroes 2 - Southern Fronts DLC Trailer

The battle for the motherland continues in two new multiplayer maps.

7 Dec 2013

Buyer's Guide - Wii U

Is Wii U the console for you? Chris Watters takes a look at this underdog to see how it stacks up to the competition.

Top 5 Superhero Mods In Skyrim

We go over 5 of our favorite mods featuring superheroes from various media that you can play as in Skyrim!

Buyer's Guide - PS VITA

Should you buy a PS VITA this holiday season? Chris Watters looks at cross-play, exclusive titles, PS Plus, and Spelunky to answer this vexing question.

Buyer's Guide - 3DS

Looking into 3DS? Chris Watters gives a rundown on Nintendo's 3DS, as well as the 2DS, to help you decide whether this handheld platform is worth your money.

Killzone Shadow Fall Making Of Story Interviews

Guerrilla Games discusses the Killzone Shadow Fall campaign story in this making of video

Top 5 Skyrim Mods of the Week - Terminators in Skyrim!

Ever wondered what was under that rugged exterior of Kevin VanNord? Turns out it's metal, and the determination to destroy all biological life.

3 Dec 2013

Battlefield 4: Xbox One Review Update

Chris Watters talks with Shaun McInnis about the positives and negatives of the Xbox One version of Battlefield 4.

Battlefield 4: Xbox One Review Update

Chris Watters talks with Shaun McInnis about the positives and negatives of the Xbox One version of Battlefield 4.


In this installment of our Inside The Square series, we take a look into the game designers, music composers and key development team members tasked with bringing a close to the Final Fantasy XIII saga.

Forza 5 Commercial Director Jeff Zwart Interview

At the Los Angeles Auto Show, the director behind the new Forza Motorsport 5 commercial, talks about next generation racing games in this exclusive interview.

2 Dec 2013

News: PS4 is the UK's Fastest-Selling Console Ever

PS4 sells 250,000 units in first 48 hours on sale in the UK, in comparison the Xbox One sold just 150,000 in its first 48 hours on sale, but more interesting is that in the same period the 7 year old PS3 sold 168,000 units!

Not quit panic stations yet for Microsoft, but already looking like this Christmas more people are after the more powerful pure gaming console PS3 than the jack of all trades, master of none XBox One!

It seems that Sony learnt from the mistakes of the past with Nintendo Wii beating all with pure gaming, and taken a leaf out of their book.

It will be a long race, but right now Sony are seemingly in the lead.

1 Dec 2013

New Releases: Gran Turismo 6, Super Mario 3D World and Tiny Brains!

This week in New Releases we talk about how Gran Turismo 6 is on PS3, how Tiny Brains starts fights with your friends and how Savant: Ascent is worth buying! We also check out an old favorite Speedball 2 and the notorious Super Mario 3D World.